INDIGEFI is a weekly one-hour show featuring an eclectic blend of modern Indigenous music, hosted by Alexis Sallee (Iñupiaq/ Mexican American). The show introduces you to the future of Native music with new and trending artists, while honoring the past by diving into the tracks that have shaped what we hear today. The highlight of each program is an artist interview with a featured musician. These interviews explore the unique Indigenous background and passions that inform the artist’s work.
INDIGEFI is distributed by Native Voice One and can be heard on radio stations across the country. The program is produced by Koahnic Broadcast Corporation (KBC), a nonprofit, Alaska Native governed and operated media center located in Anchorage, Alaska.
Are you an indigenous musician or band? We want to hear your stuff!
Alexis Sallee is Iñupiaq and Mexican and grew up in Anchorage, Alaska. Her love of filmmaking and sound found its start in radio. After attending Full Sail University where she earned a Bachelors of Science in Recording Arts, she took her skills to L.A. There she worked in audio post-production on various film and television projects including Oculus, Poltergeist, Birth of the Dragon, NBC’s Allegiance, and Showtime documentary Play It Forward. She served as Co-Director and Producer of the 2018 documentary “Definition of Resilience”, which highlights the dynamic stories of Indigenous hip-hop MCs. In 2019, she wrote and directed her debut short film "Who We Are" a personal project dedicated to her Iñupiaq ancestors. Alexis continues to work on cultural visual projects that honors Indigenous stories and people. She has been host and producer of INDIGEFI, formerly Earthsongs, since 2013.